Saturday, April 29, 2006

My Space Nightmare......come true

I'm outta the loop on a lot of things, ok most things, especially teenage things of today. I'm a geek and stick my head in a book or documentary, I'll readily admit that. Not having children puts me even farther back on the learning curve. Right now, I'm feeling old. So very old.

At first, if you met my nephews you would say they are shy. Very shy. With us, not so much. Roman is spending more and more time with them, as they're working for him part time, so they are getting a lot of quality time with their dear uncle. I get my fair share too, so no complaints. Love my boys.

J-bird, ie:oldest nephew, was telling me tonight he has a My Space page and that every kid in his school has one. Ok, so I know it's the hot thing going but I just worry about him putting too much stuff out there, if you know what I mean. So tonight I get nosey, Nosey Aunt Kristin, that's me. I found his My Space page. Sweet Jesus in a juice box, I'm not ready to have a 16 year old nephew. NOT. READY. AT. ALL. Why can't he just be the cute 1 year old I met so many years ago? When did he grow up and become a man? A 6'1" 240 lb. driver's license toting man. And how the fuck did I miss it?


Blogger Brighton said...

It happens that fast, someone told me that back when David and Sara were babies and I thought they were full of shite. It's true though, and what you see on the surface is not the whole picture. Someone also once told me it only gets worse, gah!

4:14 AM  
Blogger Kristin said...

B-Oh gee, thanks. ;)

7:13 PM  
Blogger Jammie J. said...

Crazy. My girlfriend's son turns 16 in 23 days. I still see that "kid" as a 2 year old, trying to identify apples vs. oranges. Seriously.

9:56 PM  

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