Monday, March 13, 2006

She's Alive!!

Yep, I am, and I'm totally neglecting my poor blog. I'm sorry to all my readers. I really need to get in a better frame of mind to post more often. I guess I don't post because I don't have anything witty, charming or funny to report, just the same 'ol same 'ol and who wants to read that crap!?! Well, I shouldn't say same 'ol, we've had some things going on around here that I haven't posted about and need to. So, this week, I'm going to devote a daily post on what's been going on around here, so ya'll can get caught up.

Here are the future topics:
1.) My weight and subsequent weight loss and weight loss partner 2.) Roman's new business and 3.) talking to my first cousin, whom I haven't spoken with since 1997. Whew! Big things in the works and it feels good. So, I'll start tomorrow and get ya'll all caught up.

Tonight I need to do a check of my new year's resolution check list:

1.)Make my health a priority!

Got all my tests back and other than the hiatal hernia acting up, nothing else is wrong with me. Ok, I'm sure there is in the head department, but that's a different post. I'm taking my meds as scheduled and eating my fruits as recommended. My painful attacks have all but subsided. I did have an attack Friday night but it went away as fast as it came on. All and all, totally manageable. I lost 4.8 lbs. last week and I weight in tomorrow. Not sure if I lost, we ate out twice this week but both times I made good choices. I'm spending way too much time on the Weight Watchers message boards getting ideas and recipes. I need to be out walking! I'm not all about the exercise but I must to justify the $200 Z-Coil tennis shoes I just bought.

2.)Scrapbook more.

Not so much. Why can't I get motivated? April and I are going to Waco in May to take some classes by Donna Downey. That's great and all but I need help NOW! I'm guessing my energy is going to weight related matters at the moment not to mention our group isn't getting together as much as we used to.

3.)Meet a few bloggers.

I had the opportunity to go to Austin today and meet Dooce AKA Heather Armstrong. I didn't go. They were having a meet and greet in a little itty bitty tiny coffee house and the crowd was going to be insane! I opted to snuggle with the dogs instead, sue me. Meeting up with April in Waco and going to a blogger meet in Houston in May. Can't wait for either of those two things. Trisha and family are packing it to this side of Texas for the weekend and we're getting together and planning some fun. Plenty of blog material I'm sure. Some sort of craziness always happens.

4.)Continue to cultivate friendships.

Always willing and open to new friendships, however they may come.

5.)Use my camera and photo editing programs more.

Did it on the last batch need to do it on the next batch. I have several events I need to edit and print up. It's on my to do list, honest.

6.)Read something other than a scrapbook magazine.

STILL reading Dr. Phil's books. It's been painful, let me tell you. I've had them forever but those stupid scrapbook magazines and idea books keep making their way onto my "to read" shelf.

7.)Keep the faith.

We're in the final stretch of RCIA with our candidates. They've signed their names into the Book Of The Elect. 33 men and women will receive the sacraments on Easter vigil. A huge time in their lives and in mine. It reminds me when I went through many years ago. I'm reading my daily Lenten prayer book and I made an altered journal for prayer intentions. Hey, I'm old and I need to write them down or I'll forget! I'm contemplating what to do with my Thursday nights when RCIA is over. I'm mulling over several bible study groups.

8.)See the glass half full.

I feel like I've never been as positive and self assured as I am right now and I am so lovin' it! I can't help but pass along the sunshine. Forgive me if you hate perky, but I'm perky, sue me.

Not too bad. I'm doing better this year with my resolutions than in years past and I'm so happy about that.


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